Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Construction for the Hopkinsville Clean Water Treatment Plant Renovation project is nearing completion with Smith Contractors as the Contractor. This project includes a new influent pumping station with coarse screening, headworks with fine screening and grit removal, anaerobic zone with submersible mixers for enhanced biological phosphorus removal…
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Memphis Regional Megasite Industrial Park (Blue Oval Ford)
This project consists of a greenfield four cell Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) plant to serve the Memphis Regional Megasite Industrial Park. The plant is located onsite of the Memphis Regional Megasite and has a design capacity of 5.1 MGD Biological / 10.2 MGD Peak and includes…
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Dayton Wastewater Treatment Plant
This project consists of the complete renovation of the existing WWTP and removal of the existing Third Avenue SPS. A new Raw Wastewater Pumping Station with Bar Screen, Headworks with Fine Screen and Grit Removal, Four Basin Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) using fine bubble aeration, Blower/Electrical Building, Effluent Pumping Station, Operations & Maintenance Building, Waste Sludge Building, and conversion of the existing …
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Humboldt Wastewater Treatment Plant
Humboldt is a small town in West Tennessee with a population of approximately 9,300. Humboldt was able to successfully land a large industrial client, Tyson Foods, providing 1,600 new jobs. Tyson Foods would require a daily flow of up to 2 million gallons per day (MGD) of water and…
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Columbia WWTP
Concrete placement at the walls of the Anaerobic Reactor continues for the $95.2M WWTP project. The concrete slab placement at the Diversion Structure is complete. Installation of the reinforcing steel at the Diversion Structure walls has commenced. The grade beam and slab placement…
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Chapel Hill SBR WWTP
Construction of the new two basin SBR WWTP, with Smith Contractors, Inc., of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky at $11,504,235, continues with the installation of the 12-inch Effluent Force Main. The concrete placement at the SBR slab is complete. The installation of…
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Paducah, Kentucky
The Peak Wastewater Flow Improvements Project for the Paducah McCracken Joint Sewer Agency (JSA) in Paducah, Kentucky includes several projects being implemented to increase JSA’s ability to pump, store, and treat peak combined sewer flows. JSA operates the Paducah Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) with a…
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New Wastewater Treatment Plant
The new Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Wastewater Treatment Plant for Trenton Light and Water in Trenton, Tennessee was constructed to replace the existing Lagoon Treatment Plant which was unable to meet the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
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Pulaski Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
This project consisted of the improvements of the Pulaski WWTP to renovate existing facilities and to handle peak flows.
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Hiwassee River Wastewater Treatment Plant UV Disinfection System
This SRF financed project consists of the installation of a new ultraviolet disinfection facility to treat decanted water from the existing ICEAS basins before discharge to the Hiwassee River.
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Water Treatment Plant and Blue Ribbon Booster Station Improvements
This project consisted of the improvements of the Shelbyville WTP and the Blue Ribbon Parkway Booster Station.
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