Columbia WWTP

Columbia WWTP

Project Description:

Concrete placement at the walls of the Anaerobic Reactor continues for the $95.2M WWTP project. The concrete slab placement at the Diversion Structure is complete. Installation of the reinforcing steel at the Diversion Structure walls has commenced. The grade beam and slab placement at the Oxidation Ditches has commenced. Grading of the Oxidation Ditches continues. Excavation of the Clarifiers continues. This project includes implementation of an oxidation type ditch extended aeration process with biological nutrient removal. Judy Construction Co., Inc. has been selected as Construction Manager at Risk. Bid Package #1 was awarded to Harness, LLC with a low bid of $1,995,861.92. Bid Package #2 was awarded to Judy Construction with a low bid of $46,186,500. Bid Package #3 was awarded to Trans Electric Company with a low bid of $10,507,492.

Project Name: Columbia WWTP

Utility Name and Location: Columbia, Tennessee

Construction Cost: $95.2M